After receiving your PennKey, you will be able to sign in to PennInTouch to sign up for courses. The course schedules will be available on PennInTouch sometime in August. To understand the process of registration, refer to this page. For a tutorial on how to navigate PennInTouch, watch this video. Don’t panic if you end up not getting some of the courses you signed up for! The first two weeks of classes are an Add/Drop period so chances are that you’ll get the course you want. You can also email the professor to see if you can get a permit for the course. Also its totally acceptable to schedule back-to-back classes. All classes at Penn end 10 minutes before the listed finish time to allow for travel time between classes.
A valuable resource for picking classes is Penn Course Review – a student run publication which presents student ratings and comments for all undergraduate courses. You can search by the course code as well as by the name of the professor to get information on course difficulty, instructor ratings, and usefulness of assigned readings, amongst other things.
You can view the list of books required for your courses on Penn InTouch once your schedule is available. There is a direct link to the Penn Bookstore where you can order your books online and just pick them up when you get to campus. The Penn Bookstore also sells Penn gear such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, and bags along with school supplies and dorm room essentials. You can also buy and rent books on websites such as and Another option is the Penn Book Bazaar, where Penn students can post used books for sale and you can look through the available books and contact the seller directly. You can compare the prices of textbooks from all these sources by visiting their respective websites. Finally, there is the Free and For Sale Facebook group where Penn students list all sorts of items, including books.